Getting Started With Two-Factor Authentication

In today’s episode we will be focusing on Two-Factor Authentication, a security mechanism that protects access to your various digital accounts and apps. Let’s take a deeper look.

2FA In Action

Two-Factor Authentication, or 2FA, works by sending prompts to a mobile device that need to be responded to in order to access an account. It asks you to authenticate your identity as the user before granting access to a protected account.

In this example, a user is trying to log into their computer. They’ll enter their username and password as normal.

01 Login

Then, the 2FA app will activate, sending a prompt to the user’s phone. These can come in a variety of forms, such as a push notification or passcode.

02 App Notification

As the user, you’ll need to respond to this notification in order to successfully log into your account. Make sure you hit approve to enter your account.

03 Phone Prompt

05 Login Approval

2FA can be applied to different accounts and applications, such as your Microsoft 365 account, desktop or laptop login, banking app, or email. This gives you an additional barrier between your data and fraudulent users who may be trying to break into your computer or steal personal information from an app on your phone.

05 Successful Login

With that overview, we hope you can explore 2FA as a new option for extra security to keep yourself ahead of potential threats. Thanks for watching and come back next time for another One-Minute Wednesday!


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