Security Issues: Public Charging Stations

Charging Stations: Convenient or Risky?

When you’re traveling, a public charging station sounds like a great idea. They’re found in airports, malls, and more. You simply plug in your phone, replenish your battery and you’re good to go.

But what if there was a threat hiding in the USB cable you decided to connect to? And therein lies the problem with these public chargers, as you can potentially expose your phone or tablet to malware. Hackers can modify ports and cords to install viruses and hijack devices once connected, leaving your device and personal information at risk.

Be Vigilant

Since our devices are typically always used when on the go, what should you do to stay safe when your device needs some juice?

  • First, avoid the charging stations and find an outlet nearby to plug into with your own charger.
  • Secondly, always ensure your phone or tablet is updated with the latest software that can combat threats. When you are charging safely, be mindful not to connect to unsecured Wi-Fi either; use mobile data instead.
  • Lastly, the best tactic is to approach managing your mobile technology in public in a way that’s smart and takes security issues seriously. Be vigilant even with something as simple and convenient as a charging station, because cybercriminals are eager to attack anyone they see as vulnerable.

Now that you’re aware of what to look out for, keeping your mobile devices safe will be easy. Thanks for tuning in and come back for our next One-Minute Wednesday!


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